Many people use white noise for better sleep. Many parents, who know from their own experience that their children will catch up faster with a well-chosen noise, will not allow it. It’s simple – this sound barrier obscures what would disturb a person in silence – cracking in the walls, footsteps of neighbors. Another example of the use of this noise is, for example, in people who suffer from tinnitus.
Table of Contents
What is white noise?
Just as we use colors to describe different types of light, we can use them to express different types of sound. White light contains all frequencies (colors), while white noise combines all the frequencies of sound that the human ear can hear. So we can imagine it as 20,000 different tones playing at the same time. The noise is used to mask other, especially unwanted sounds. As it may sound, you can listen to our youtube HERE.
When does white noise help?
You can take advantage of the positive effects of white noise in many situations. By being able to block all kinds of noise from the street or neighbors, it helps people fall asleep more easily. It is also a great helper when sleeping babies, helping them to relax and unwind. We will use it in the same way if we need to concentrate for a while, which will be appreciated by everyone who works in a noisy environment. It will also find its place in the office and the conversations of your colleagues will no longer disturb you at work.
Why do babies love white noise?
Maybe your baby has a lot of toys, countless slippers, and a horde of pacifiers. However, if he sleeps the vast majority of the day so far, he probably doesn’t care about all these things. So do him more service and give him the best and calmest possible sleep. This noise will help you with that.
White noise and addiction?
Many mothers are afraid that their children will become addicted to white noise and will not be able to fall asleep without it. However, white noise only helps to create an atmosphere for sleep and creates a kind of sleeping routine for children. They know it’s time to sleep and rest. It’s like leaving a small light on or reading a fairy tale to children before going to bed. As your baby grows, you can try to omit white noise from time to time.
Colour frequencies and their variations
You probably already know white noise as a helper when falling asleep or concentrating. It combines all the sound frequencies that the human ear can hear, thus helping to block disturbing sounds from the environment – noisy neighbors, traffic under windows, or a barking dog. However, in addition to it, other color variations are also used.
Pink noise
For some people, white noise can be too sharp and annoying. One of the popular alternatives is pink noise, which also includes all sound frequencies, but emphasizes the lower ones, thus creating deeper and softer sounds for the human ear. Some liken it to running water, heavy rain, or the rustling of leaves in strong winds. This softer sound brings almost the same benefits as white noise, but for many listeners, it is more pleasant.
Brown noise
Brown noise, also sometimes called red, is an even deeper version of pink noise. It is often compared to buzzing or humming and can resemble ocean waves or very strong wind. Its advantages include helping to concentrate, meditate and relax.
Blue and purple noise
The exact opposite of pink noise is blue noise, which focuses more on the upper end of the sound spectrum. Similarly, there is purple noise, which in turn resembles the exact opposite of brown noise. These are piercing sounds that may resemble the hiss of a spray.
Is white noise harmful?
You may have heard of the amazing benefits of white noise. It is a sound that combines all the frequencies that the human ear can pick up, thus masking the noise coming from the surroundings. In addition, it has a relaxing effect and helps with concentration. It is a great helper in sleeping babies and many parents will not allow it. But even here there is talk of possible negative consequences. What’s the truth about them?
Can white noise damage your hearing?
The discovery that some devices or applications that play white noise can cause hearing loss in children has triggered a major wave of panic. However, it is not completely in place and you do not have to throw these devices out the window right away.
You also need to take into account how often you let the noise out to the children. These sounds will probably be very beneficial if played several times a day, but they can cause problems if you have them playing all day. And not only for children but also for adults. As in other respects, nothing should be exaggerated. If you emit white noise in moderation, there is no danger to you.
Listen to White noise, meditation music, and read more
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