Table of Contents
What Is Loneliness?
Loneliness is something that can also be positive and negative even if you decide for yourself that you want to transform yourself into some time alone, you convert loneliness to solitude, And you can focus your attention on reaching your potential. How to deal with loneliness
But when you feel lonely without your will and you don’t know how to deal with the loneliness that is the problem.
You can experience loneliness anytime and anywhere, even when you are alone, and when you are friends, loneliness is a fairly subjective individual experience even if it is in a family or a large social gathering, and if you are feeling lonely then it means you are lonely.
Any kind of money personality or even your social skills can not save you from loneliness or it can not show you how to deal with loneliness.
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Why do We feel Loneliness?
Psychology says that any person feels lonely because of the lack of two things – one is a deep relationship with others and the second is a deep relationship with oneself.
First Factors Highlight Dangerous of Social deprivation.
Study – In an experiment in 1944, Austrian American psychoanalyst When Beach tried to see what would affect their psychology and biochemistry if children were kept away from any kind of socialization or human interaction. For two groups of children, where one group was placed among the normal people and the other group was placed in an orphanage away from their mother and the rest, and there were orders to the care keywords that worked there, not even touch the children
After a few months, it was clear that children in the second group were not able to develop intellectually and physically due to social decoration. That is, human interaction is very important in a child’s developmental years, To make her a healthy individual.
But after growing up, our socialization needs to change a bit because then our personality form is done.
Where an extrovert can not socialize, even a week can not live without talking to anyone, the same one introvert months can be removed.
However, It is unadjustable that even introverts are also happier to live with the people of their choice.
By default, we also make connections with other humans and we have those instances behind our desire, Which guides us to stay alive.
Because the way pain in Evolutionary Psychology motives us to stay away from something, hunger motives us to find food
In the same way, the filling of the loneliness motives us to think about ourselves, what is our position in the whole trib or society, and whether our social needs are being fulfilled or not, because for millions of years he was the only deep relationship with our others who were the biggest predicts of our living.
That is, our instances in such a horse environment have helped each other make curry and deep connections, He was successful in avoiding large animals and being alive
Our brain evolved
Our brain evolved in such a way that we make a lot of difference, These things are what other people think of us, How many people care about us and how we should act in society so that others do not reject us.
For this reason, our biology makes us feel social pen whenever we feel like we are getting away from the rest of the people So we start thinking about what we are doing wrong and how we fix our mistakes So that we can go near our drive from back and increase our survival chances.
This is the reason why rejections are so painful. Even in today’s time where we do not stay far away from the rest of the people, You can talk to anyone online and the entire facility for our survival is easily available.
Even then we do not have time to build deep relationships with others and even after so much modern, most of our society feels lonely, And their loneliness that has been going on for a long time, You get used to it and because of this you always start living in cell preservation mode.
That is, you feel that every person wants to harm you and your social signal toward sensitivity increases so much, That you are not able to read people’s facial expressions in the same way, Because of this you start getting more away from people. This is the point when you have become more selfish than before, And you say that you don’t need anyone.
This spiral of your attitude and loneliness prevents you from creating a deep relationship until you understand that you are travelling only because of your decision.
Most of the time we want to be free, but we do not want to go through the process of being free, And don’t want to face our mistakes.
Here we are talking about the Intellectuals Side of loneliness which goes deeper than the AW Region of loneliness. That is, we are always trying to be the most unique, Create your destiny and become your best version.
Because these are the things that make us different from the rest of the animals. That means we are now, And what real decision can we take?, So that we can live our life spontaneously and create something in every movement that was not already in this world and that prevents us from becoming a unique individual.
That is the place of the cowardice of not facing our fame, Where we also want to separate from the herd, But we do not even dare to reach our true self by facing our evil thoughts, due to which we start feeling lonely with this falls identity.
So now we talk about how to deal with loneliness feelings in our 3 Psychological Ways.
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How To Deal with Loneliness?
1. Instead of disturbing yourself and suppressing the enzymes associated with loneliness, you have to accept the fact that you are lonely and you are travelling because of this and ask yourself why you feel lonely, and how to deal with loneliness.
2. Facing your loneliness and its associated environment to discover what you need from your life and what you have to do is to make that thing a reality.
It is so important because when you make yourself useful to society, And while doing these towards the highest good that comes to your mind, then you ensure your survival mechanism that whether you are with people or alone you are so capable that you can take care of yourself and in every situation can Survive.
That is, most of the lonely feeling that they are consonantly aware that he is neither more confident nor is he contributing much to the society. So because of this, his mind speaks to him that ‘brother, you will not be able to do survive alone, so if you are with others, then if you are alone for a while, you will start feeling lonely.
3. Instead of running away from your loneliness, you can make yourself different from others in psychology by staying alone for some time and observing your negative thoughts, which ends the need for any kind of social validation inside you.
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Conclusions How to deal with loneliness
This is the squeeze of this entire article, so understand it in a way that is, as soon as you separate yourself from the whole herd or when you are individualised.
Then neither of your evolutionary instigates gives you a social pen, nor do you have any need to be with people every time. If you have someone, you are still cool and if you are alone, you are still cool.
Every person of us is different and unique from the other and every person has his unique talents, When accessed, we can make our sense of self strong. However, This does not mean that this process of becoming unique will make you more lonely, Rather, those who make their sense of self quite strong, He is not only able to improve their social skills but also their relationship because when you are an individual, you do not need people but also, People are drawn to you. This is because a strong sense of self makes us capable of behaving with spontaneity, And there is nothing more attractive than a spontaneous human being.
This article I hope will help you to understand how to deal with loneliness.
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